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11 SEP - 22 OCT 2019




Neo Norte 2.0 addresses self-empowering as a geographic construct: it looks critically into the dominance of Eurocentric curatorial practices around the world, interrogates why the 'North' is traditionally seen as superior to the 'South' and brings together a group of Latino-American artists and academics to propose an alternative history.

To celebrate 200 years since Latin America gained its independence, Neo Norte is set up as a speculation around the question: what would happen if the artistic cultures of the South (that have been inherently perceived as 'exotic', 'ethnic' and 'folkloric') share the dialogic space with the works produced by Western-educated artists - with no discourse of segregation and supremacy forced onto the relationship between them? The exhibition brings together the artworks that revisit the practices of shamanism, cultural syncretism, migrations as creative destructions that can open doors for new opportunities - to investigate how those transformed with the arrival of digital materiality, and the emergence of South as the 'new' North after its liberation.


The project is curated by Tere Chad, and brings together the works of Beatriz Creel, César Baracca, Clarissa Serafim, Cindy Moreno, Domenica Landin, Emiliano de Rokha, Giuseppe Mario Urso, José Carlos García Oliva, José Miranda, Lorenzo Belenguer, Luisa Rodríguez, Maritina Keleri, Matteo Valerio, Nataly Pérez, Mica Mornaghi, Olav Lorentzen, Paulina Figueroa, Paula Turmina, Rafael Morales Cendejas, Raúl Valdivia, Santiago Joaquín McGorty, Santiago Rodríguez Gómez, Stephanie Rodríguez, Tere Chad, Teresa Paiva, Victoria Vargas.

The first chapter of the project was presented at the Fundación Cultural de Providencia in Santiago, Chile (August 2018). More information about it is available here.



- CARTONERAS WORKSHOP: 18th of September 6:30pm – 8pm at Exposed Arts Projects (Rafael Morales Cendejas and Paulina Figueroa).  

- GUIDED VISIT: 25th September 6:30pm – 8pm at Exposed Arts Projects (Tere Chad).  

- SEMINAR: DECOLONISATION BY DESIGN & LATINOS MANIFESTO PUBLICATION: 5th October 12noon  – 1pm at Five Years, Unit 2B1, Boothby Rd, Upper Holloway, London N19 4AJ (Raúl Valdivia and  Victoria Vargas).  

- KHIPU WORKSHOP: 13th October 11am – 1pm at Exposed Arts Projects (Cindy Moreno).

- FINISSAGE: 22nd October 6:30pm – 8pm at Exposed Arts Projects.  

- PANEL DISCUSSION: 11th November (venue and time to be confirmed).  

- CENTRAL SAINT MARTINS WINDOW EXHIBITION: 26th September – 11th November, at Window 3,  Granary Building, 1 Granary Square, Kings Cross, London N1C 4AA.



The events are free and open to all, but booking is essential. 

To book your place please contact us at  

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